Our little Soccer Player! (4/9 & 4/10/2011)

He's all siggned up & ready to GO! :) Anthony is SO excited... he's playing Soccer for the 1st time! This weekend, we had his 1st practice and his 1st game. Yes, that seems a litle "quick", but the kids at this age are just learning the basics soccer skills and will continue to learn & grow. At this age, the want to get them used to dribbling the ball and heading for the goal.

Their 1st practice & game went well... it's too cute to watch them all running around. Anthony seems to be adapting very well and has some great skills of his own already, which I am very happy & proud about. You can do it, Buddy... go Ant, go! :)

Off to Anthony's 1st game we go... all of us in tow! We ALL have to support our little "man"! :)

During his 1st game, he even took one for the team... he collided on the field with another player and he bruised his upper cheek bone / below his eye (ouch!). He shook it off pretty quickly and got back out there to finish the game. Good job, Anto-- shakle it off, Buddy! Of the joys...

Anthony-- we are all SO proud of you! Keep kickin' butt out there... keep your eye on the prize (and the "prize" away from your face!). Mommy loves you!

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