VBS 2010

This week, all 4 kids joined the HIGH SEAS EXPEDITION during Vacation Bible School at HCLC and had a GREAT week! They learned so many new songs (and info), did lots of projects, donated for a lot of great causes, and had tons of FUN!

Once again this year, the kids made themed t-shirts, which every child wore the last day of VBS. They did a great job, didn't they?!?

Lots of "extra" fun things to do on the last day... in the afternoon, the kids enjoyed a "Splashdown" where the local fire dept. came and soaked the kids down with the fire hose! Later that night, the fire dept. came back and made a huge bonfire for all to enjoy. At the bonfire, they were handing out plastic fire hats to the kids, but by the time they got to us, they were all out. As expected, Anthony was upset he didn't get a hat. When a fireman spotted him and asked him what was wrong, the fireman asked Anthony if he's like to try on his "real" fireman's hat, to which Anthony agreed and was THRILLED!! He tells me he's going to be a fireman when he grows up... we'll see! :)

On Sunday morning, we attended Mass where the VBS staff & kids performed for the parish community and the little ones got to join in on the performance, as well. It was a cute and a night ending to an awesome week of VBS! They can't wait to go back next year! :)

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