East meets West (8/15/09)

Michael's cousin - Glenn, his wife - Shilo, and their son - Micah, came to NJ from Washington state for a visit. While here, we got to spend the day together at Uncle Billy & Aunt Barbara's and had a great time! This was the 1st time we got to meet Micah. I feel like I already know/met him because I have followed Shilo's blog updates of him since he was born, but there's nothing like seeing someone in person. Micah is just an adorable, happy little guy! :) He loved playing with the little ones and laughed & giggled all day! :) It was great to see them and spend the day! Hopefully we'll get to seem them again soon, but until then-- thank goodness for blogs... it keeps us connected-- even across the country! :)

1 comment:

G&S said...

Awwwwwww, how sweet Brandi! The pictures are so great. We just moved and are getting situated, so been behind on the blog. Had such a fun time out there with you guys. Sending hugs from the west SIIIDE to the east SIIIDE :).
