Dorothy... What a catch! (4/19/08)

Spring is here & the carnivals have begun! Memom, Aunt Sharon, the 4 kids, and I ventured out to our 1st carnival of the year (at Shady Brook Farms in PA). The triplets were pretty content as they rode along in their strollers and took in all of the sights and sounds, but Angelia is at the age where she wants to get into the "action"! So-- she went on a few rides, went "fishing" with Aunt Sharon (she won a ball for her efforts at that game!), and played toss the ball in the fish bowl with Mommy... yes-- get 1 in and win a goldfish!! Before we started, I told Angelia that we would TRY to win one, but not to be upset if we didn't. Well, sure enough-- as I was "showing" Angelia how to toss the ball, BINGO-- HOLE IN 1! I got a ball in a fish bowl and we are now the proud new family of "Dorothy the (very energetic) Goldfish"! :) She is named after ELMO's goldfish who is also named Dorothy-- I know, very creative! :) I love hearing the kids call her... depending upon gthe child, her name is pronounced "Faw-fi", "Daw-fi", "Darf-fi". :)
Yes-- we are now the proud family of 2 fish... yes-- "Sushi", who Angelia won on the Boardwalk a year ago, is still swimming! :)

1 comment:

Annie said...

Oh, I didn't know ShadyBrook had a carnival-I missed that one!

Looks like a great time! LOVE the fish!!! What a perfect name!