Field Day! (4/29/2010)

Angelia took part in her 1st "Field Day" at school! :) It was a great day for all... filled with lots of activities, friendly competition, excitement, and BEAUTIFUL weather! :) From sack races to tug-of-war to obstacles courses to the broad jump, the kids had a blast participating in all of the events. Angelia's favorite event was the tug-of-war... and the water relay -- this was the activity I was coordinating that day. She did really well that day. Michael & the triplets came over to cheer Angelia and her classmates on that afternoon, as well, which was awesome and made her proud smile that much bigger that day! :)

Wow-- it seems like just yesterday I was in elementary school taking part in my Field Day events! It was always a fun day... how time flies!

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